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Israeli settlers torch cars in West Bank village, raid truck carrying Gaza aid

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Haaretz | Israel News

Israel-Hamas War Day 226 |

May 19, 2024Updated: 05:22 a.m. IST

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A fire in a West bank village, set by settlers, on Sunday.

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Republican New York Representative Elise Stefanik at the Knesset on Sunday.Credit: Olivier Fitoussi

White House's Sullivan briefs Netanyahu following Saudi Arabia visit: 'There's potential for Israel and the Palestinian people' ■ Houthis launch ballistic missile at the Gulf of Aden, CENTCOM says ■ Israeli soldier dies of wounds sustained in Gaza combat ■ Dozens of Israelis throw rocks and vandalize Palestinian trucks in the West Bank ■ Finance Minister Smotrich: Israel must take over southern Lebanon if Hezbollah doesn't respond to ultimatum

White House's Sullivan briefs Netanyahu following Saudi Arabia visit: 'There's potential for Israel and the Palestinian people' ■ Houthis launch ballistic missile at the Gulf of Aden, CENTCOM says ■ Israeli soldier dies of wounds sustained in Gaza combat ■ Dozens of Israelis throw rocks and vandalize Palestinian trucks in the West Bank ■ Finance Minister Smotrich: Israel must take over southern Lebanon if Hezbollah doesn't respond to ultimatum

National Security Adviser Sullivan briefs Netanyahu following Saudi Arabia visit

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan briefed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials on Sunday following his visit to Saudi Arabia, where he held constructive meetings focused on a vision for an integrated Middle East, according to a U.S. statement.

Sullivan spoke with Netanyahu about "the potential that may now be available for Israel, as well as the Palestinian people" and "proposed a series of concrete measures to ensure more aid surges into Gaza."

Sullivan expressed the U.S.'s support for "Israeli efforts to find and bring to justice Hamas's leaders in Gaza" and "reaffirmed the need for Israel to connect its military operations to a political strategy that can ensure the lasting defeat of Hamas, the release of all the hostages, and a better future for Gaza," the statement added.

Netanyahu: 'We will approve a plan to answer the needs of those in confrontation areas within 48 hours'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said during a meeting with heads of evacuated councils in Israel's north, at the border with Lebanon, that this week, a plan for the residents of the north will be approved in the government.

In the meeting, which was held in the prime minister's office in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said, "if we stick to all these things, the north will bloom, it's going to happen in the south, and it'll happen in the north too. We have a 48-hour deadline to make a decision."

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