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Six Reasons Microsoft Is Putting 'Call Of Duty' On Xbox Game Pass

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Black Ops


This week, there's new reporting from the Wall Street Journal that Microsoft plans to put this year's Call of Duty, likely a new Black Ops installment, onto Xbox Game Pass. It would mark the single largest addition to the service since it launched, and a play to increase subscription numbers in a time where they are increasingly hard to find.

This will likely be announced officially at an upcoming Xbox Games Showcase that has its own Call of Duty section on June 9, in what used to be E3 time. But before then, well-sourced reporting seems to indicate that's what's happening.

This was always going to be the answer here, the only question was whether Call of Duty would be coming to Game Pass this year or next. Recent reports suggested there was some internal debate on whether or not to do this, but the pros ultimately must have outweighed the cons. Here are six reasons why it's happening:

Call of Duty


Forbes VettedFor You

So, here we are. Again, I cannot see a way this wasn't going to happen sooner or later. Whether it is the correct call and it does everything Microsoft is hoping it does remains to be seen, but the fact that it made this decision is far from a surprise, certainly.

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