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China's BYD closes in on deal to build all-electric London buses

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Sunday June 2 2024

First the Chinese electric vehicle giant BYD launched into the British car market. Now it's taking on our traditional London bus-makers.

The Go-Ahead Group is set to award the company a contract to build more than 100 all-electric double-deckers at a price of about £400,000 each — £100,000 cheaper than UK competitors, sources said. It is the first time that BYD has won a contract to provide EV double-deckers in the UK, pipping local competitors such as Alexander Dennis.

The decision comes with the blessing of Transport for London (TfL), the body chaired by the London mayor Sadiq Khan and ultimately responsible for public transport in the capital. Khan has pledged to use Greater London Authority spending power to "make the capital greener and fairer

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