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Mosquito population booms in the Houston area after heavy rainfall | Here's the advice from experts

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Director of the Harris County Public Health Mosquito Control Division, Dr. Max Vigilant, said his team has been busy setting up mosquito traps.

HOUSTON — It's no surprise that after it rains, we have to deal with all those pesky mosquitoes.

Director of the Harris County Public Health Mosquito Control Division, Dr. Max Vigilant, said his team has been busy setting up mosquito traps. 

They are looking for five viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes in the Houston area, including West Nile, Saint Louis encephalitis, chikungunya, dengue and Zika.

If any mosquito tests positive, they will then spray that area. In the meantime, they're asking for the public's help.

"Removing those unwanted containers, tipping off the water is important the leaves water and drain," Vigilant said.

He also said to throw out any debris that can hold water because that is where mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs.

So, what can you do to prevent those pesky bites?

Experts say to wear light-colored, long and loose-fitting clothing and of course, don't forget the bug spray. 

Many people choose natural sprays and remedies. 

"I am a natural boy. I kind of do apple cider vinegar. It works for me," said one resident.

This is what experts recommend. 

"It has to be an EPA environmental protection agency-approved insect repellent," said Vigilant.

And don't forget about your pets. Mosquitoes carrying heartworm larvae can transfer to your fur babies, so ensure they're on heartworm medication.

The time of the day you're outside can also affect your chances of getting bit since mosquitoes are more active during dusk or dawn.

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