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A new balance change for Lily in Street Fighter 6 Season 2 has been spotted and it should make her 50/50 mix up potential even scarier

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Lily isn't considered very good in the current version of Street Fighter 6. A lot of her best tools are locked behind the need to gather wind stocks, and with things like a lack of invincibility on her Overdrive uppercut and level 1 super having such slow start up, Lily has proven to be one of the worst characters in the game so far.

That doesn't mean she doesn't have any strong tools, though, and her strongest ability is the one that sees her force essentially a 50/50 mix up situation after a blocked windclad Condor Spire, leaving her point blank on the opponent, at frame advantage, and making her foe guess between a standing light kick or command grab. Well, a new Street Fighter 6 Season 2 change for Lily has been spotted, and by the looks of it, this buff is going to essentially make this aspect of her game even scarier.

Yesterday's AT&T Annihilator Cup tournament brought some more Season 2 balance change footage with it, and a clip of Lily was spotted by Rooflemonger that shows this new buff in action.

The improvement here is that, on hit, Lily's medium punch Condor Wind appears to push back a lot less. This leaves her within range to essentially force her strike/command grab mix up after it hits, meaning she's getting her most effective tactic in more ways and more often now.

Assuming MP Condor Wind still leaves Lily at +2 when it hits, this will for sure mean she gets to keep her turn after a bread and butter combo into the special move. The clip shows Lily hit a neutral jump combo into the MP Condor Wind against a cornered Cammy, and we can clearly see that the push back is far less in Season 2.

Rooflemonger added some footage of how this move works right now into this clip as well, which very much shows the difference this change makes. While this buff should be a very nice one for Lily, there are some other things to consider here too.

For starters, medium punch Condor Wind is -8 on block and right now, it's used primarily from further out in block strings to ensure she remains as safe as possible when she's pressuring the opponent. If this change to the pushback also affects the special move on block, this means she'll be getting punished a lot more often when she goes for her main block strings to try and build wind stocks — which would be a serious nerf.

It's also worth noting that this change basically takes what is pretty much the cornerstone of Lily's gameplay and just... gives her more of it. While us Lily players will take what we can get, I can't help but hope that whatever other changes they've made to her help round out her gameplan a bit more as her fighting style is already very linear and this would just add more linear to the mix.

another changed noticed

Lily is much, much closer after landing M condor wind, to the point where its likely she can enforce guess strike/lp or ex typhoon

if so thats very, very strong for her, and helps enforce her force strike/throw identity

new balance -> current balance pic.twitter.com/aI1G8gv5k2

— Rooflemonger 🦍🦧🐵 (@Rooflemonger) May 17, 2024

Earlier this week, Capcom gave us all a glimpse at what only some of the upcoming Street Fighter 6 Season 2 balance changes will look like. We combed through the trailer and listed out all of the changes we spotted, so if you want a preview of what the Street Fighter 6 Season 2 balance change patch notes will look like, be sure to check out our previous story.

Street Fighter 6's Season 2 balance update, Akuma, and Outfit 3 for the first four DLC characters are all set to launch on May 22.

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